Thanks to Nick Lidster for the elevating discussion of Plato’s cave. I won’t claim I’ve made it into the light yet, but I believe I may have gotten beyond staring at the shadows…
Thanks also to Gary Denton for the apology. But I doubt you brought anyone along unless they were trapped in the car with you when you arrived.

I agree that you probably won’t have any recordings of the previous universe once you’ve entered into the new universe. Indeed this model seems to fit my experience. I seem to have come here alone into a new universe populated with near duplicates of the people I knew there.

I had another slight glitch today. I was searching out someone I had interviewed with (for an elevator repair job) five years ago. He had since retired. At that time I was told that the repair shop covered elevators in many cities (all being on state owned university campuses). Today I was told that the local repair shop only covers this one campus and NEVER had responsibility for other campuses. Apparently this is one more small difference from the universe I previously inhabited.

I did a backup visit to the construction company where the temp agency had seemingly been a month earlier. The construction company has been there five years. The secretary appreciated my tale and hummed a nice rendition of a bar from the “Outer Limits” theme.
They’ve built a wall where I talked to the guy last month. I mean it! The floor layout is different! I don’t believe I dreamed this, although once I dreamed a Wednesday, then woke up and it took half the day for me to realize it really wasn’t Thursday yet. I had to do Wednesday over again.

There was an interesting study done of the memories of Titanic survivors. Over the years people seemed to modify their memories to make their own roles seem more heroic or justified. This doesn’t seem to apply to my case where the nature of these glitches do nothing to make or break my ego, just odd pointless differences.

I read “The Bible Code” a while back, and wondered if the code, which seemed designed to pass messages into the future, had been used to stabilize a particular timeline. Travelers entering into a new universe could get a copy of the Torah and, decoding it with their computerized time travel decoder rings, might get some numerical indication of how far they were from their original timeline. Bush is mentioned in the Bible Code, along with the Kennedy assassination and Rabin’s assassination, so I suppose his reign of errors is also somehow emblematic of this timeline.

Thanks again for the various comments, from whichever universe. I’d really rather not doubt the accuracy of my own memories, but I have less scruples when it comes to doubting the memories of others.

Alan Ackley.


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