At 09:22 PM Monday 4/4/2005, Gary Nunn wrote:

I'm sure that not everyone here will find this as humorous as I did...
<shrugging shoulders> Oh Well...

Gun Free Household sticker      $1.50

Test the resolve of those who don't support the 2nd Amendment by asking them
to post one of these stickers on their front door. Let them know that
research has shown that almost all violent crime offenders choose victims
who are least likely to own a gun to defend themselves. Non-gun-owning
households depend on gun-owning households for their protection because
criminals don't know the difference -- unless they put one of these on the

*Disclaimer: For novelty purposes only -- please do not actually post this
on a household door as the occupants may be subject to visits by all manner
of criminal molesters and miscreants.

Someone down the street has one on their door with a graphic of a front view of a revolver with the caption "I don't dial 911. I dial .357"

Make My Day Maru

--Ronn! :)


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