On Tue, 5 Apr 2005, maru wrote:

> Julia Thompson wrote:
> > ...
> >
> >I hadn't thought of that.
> >
> >I'm reminded of a conversation Dan had with some of our neighbors.  
> >Apparently the neighborhood is heavily armed, and we're weirdos for having
> >a sword collection rather than a gun collection.  (Of course, the one time
> >we really needed a gun, the next-door neighbor didn't have ammo for his
> >gun of the appropriate caliber.  There *is* such a thing as overkill when 
> >it's a snake in a hole dug right next to the house.)
> >
> >     Julia
> >
> >  
> >
> Take'em to see Kill Bill, or really, any chopsocky flick that features
> swords and guns in close proximity (except of course Indiana Jones.) :)

Dan has seen Kill Bill, and loved it, and bought the DVDs as soon as he 
could.  :)  Not sure what the neighbors would make of it....



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