At 07:07 PM Wednesday 4/6/2005, Nick Arnett wrote:
On Wed, 06 Apr 2005 18:19:34 -0500, Ronn!Blankenship wrote

> Not meant as an insult toward anyone here, but it has been my
> observation that many who object to the war in Iraq have as their
> basic principle that "Bush is evil."

Yuck, may I say. The battle for good and evil is not "out there" somewhere,
it is in our hearts, every one of them. That's where peace starts, I believe,
though the mouth often rapidly becomes involved.

It's not that I object to the war so much as I want to do everything possible
to end this one with justice and prevent, avoid and make unnecessary any
future ones. To me, that calls for new ways of conflict resolution, sometimes
living with conflict, and so forth. Just the fact that humanity has had
nuclear weapons for 60 years is reason enough to work very hard to find new
ways to deal with conflict. Terrorism only adds incentive.

I think we agree on that.

Obligatory Second Line Maru

--Ronn! :)


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