At 12:10 AM Friday 4/8/2005, Warren Ockrassa wrote:
On Apr 7, 2005, at 7:49 PM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 08:59 PM Thursday 4/7/2005, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

though there's some wiggle room there -- IIRC the original text had it as "behold, a young woman shall conceive".

Which is correct, afaik.

And hardly remarkable. Young women conceive pretty regularly. Embedding such a phrase in a prophecy is a little like predicting rain in Seattle.

Lazarus was never dead. No one else was resurrected either.

I take it you were there, then?

I don't have to have been there. Resurrection is not possible. It has not reliably, verifiably occurred in the history of humanity, not once, not twice, not ever.

And the epistles of Paul, while effective at establishing and maintaining the infant cult of Iasus, read like a lot of hard-right propaganda, which to me is more or less what they are.

Revelation is also hooey.

You say that like someone who has the sure word of God on that issue . . .

Nope, just healthy (lay) biblical scholarship.

It is interesting that you are much more likely to state things as absolutes than most people I know who do claim to have the sure word of God on issues.

--Ronn! :)


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