I have always been a supporter of personal firearms, as well as the
*reasonable* regulation of guns (no, I don't have a definition of
reasonable), but guys making comments like the ones Ted Nugent made (see
below) make all gun owners look like dangerous, radical fundamentalists.  He
is doing more to help the anti-gun camp than helping the NRA.


~ Gun control means using two hands Maru


Ted Nugent to Fellow NRAers: Get Hardcore
Apr 17, 12:32 PM EST

With an assault weapon in each hand, rocker and gun rights advocate Ted
Nugent urged National Rifle Association members to be "hardcore, radical
extremists demanding the right to self defense."

Speaking at the NRA's annual convention Saturday, Nugent said each NRA
member should try to enroll 10 new members over the next year and associate
only with other members.

"Let's next year sit here and say, 'Holy smokes, the NRA has 40 million
members now,'" he said. "No one is allowed at our barbecues unless they are
an NRA member. Do that in your life."

Nugent sang and played a guitar painted with red and white stripes for the
crowd at Houston's downtown convention center.

He drew the most cheers when he told gun owners they should never give up
their right to bear arms and should use their guns to protect themselves if

"Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em!" he screamed to applause. "To show you how
radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars
dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case.
No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun and when they attack
you, shoot 'em."



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