At 07:23 PM Monday 4/18/2005, Nick Arnett wrote:
On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:31:48 -0230, Travis Edmunds wrote

> He's put on a good show, twofold; i.e. he's smart & funny as you
> said. And yes, set the VCR, if only for the halibut.

It's on at 7, it seems, so I'll watch live.

Mom just called to also remind me.

Okay, I'm guessing from the cluesin this thread that "Bob" is someone who some of you know personally who was on "Jeopardy" tonight. I heard the last bit of the program while I was in the kitchen feeding the master of the house (feline species). Was "Bob" the guy who in response to the "Final Jeopardy" question quoted most of the entire poem? (Spoiler-type phrasing there.)

-- Ronn! :)


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