On 4/19/05, Robert J. Chassell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A related issue:  what, if anything, prevents this understanding of a
> deity from being different than Tipler's suggestion that we are,
> probabilistically speaking, a simulation running in an antiquarian
> AI's supercomputer?
> After all, that entity's supercomputer is also necessary, else `all of
> creation would come to a halt and we would cease to exist.'  Moreover,
> the antiquarian may, or may not, respond to prayers and/or works by
> his simulations.  And his purposes may be hard for a simulation to
> figure out.
> --
>     Robert J. Chassell

Wait, wasn't Tipler's argument basically given certain physical
constraints, we would surely be re-incarnated at the end of the
Universe? What you are mentioning sounds considerably more like Nick
Bostrom's neat Simulation Argument.


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