* Andrew Paul ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Surely it always going to be relative? You will need to explain this
> more,

I was pretty clear before, and you twisted what I said to try to make it
look like I was saying something that supported your worldview.  You've
made it pretty clear in the past that facts and clear thinking are not
your friends, so I'm not inclined to waste much of my time explaining
things to you, so...last try: 

I said that the standard of living needs to be raised around the world
before automated manufacturing can be cost competitive with manual
labor (in many cases, obviously there are some areas where it already
is). This is not a difficult concept. If it costs $1 to make a part by
manual labor and $2 to make it by automation, then you make it with
manual labor. If the standard of living (wages, etc) for the lowest
quintile is raised so that manual labor costs $3 in the poorest nations,
then manufacturing switches from manual labor to automation. I said
nothing about the gap between rich and poor nations. That was your
statement, wrongly attributed to me.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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