At 02:56 PM 2/19/2005 -0800, Doug Pensinger wrote:
>On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 05:07:58 -0500, JDG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At 09:19 PM 2/18/2005 -0800, Doug wrote:
>>>> You mean, presuming that the next election installs a government that
>>>> restores the benefits?
>>> If Congress raised the SS retirement age to 80, I'll flat out garuantee
>>> you they'll get throw out on their collective ear.  They don't even have
>>> the balls to make some of the minor changes we've been talking about.
>> It was a theoretical exercise to illustrate a concept, Doug.
>But you see, part of your argument is that because the money isn't hidden 
>away in a vault somwhere, it doesn't exist when in fact a super majority 
>of the people in this country are of the opinion that it better damned 
>well exist.

Actually, that's part of my point.

The people don't believe that a set amount of *contributions* exist, they
believe that a set amount of *benefits* exist.    That is, regardless of
how much money the government claims to be in the "Trust Fund", the future
liabailities of the government are based upon "expected payments" nor
"expected assets in the Trust Fund."


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