----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 6:03 PM
Subject: Rhetorical Questions RE: Removing Dictators Re: Peaceful change L3

> Pray.
> Now that we've let the DPRK gain nuclear weapons, there are simply no
> options.

Were there good options when they could kill 200k in Seoul without nuclear
weapons.  It's not nuclear weapons, per se, that are the problem.  It's the
ability of those weapons to enhance the damage that could be done.  So,
since the three options that Clinton had in '94 were:

1) The buy half a loaf option
2) Invade and have hundreds of thousands of S. Koreans killed
3) Let things progress, and see N. Korea producing 40-50 bombs/year by

You said #1 was a failure.  Which one of the others would you have picked
when Clinton had this choice?  It appears to me that Bush has chosen
#3.....except that construction on the big reactor has not restarted yet.

Dan M.


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