On Apr 24, 2005, at 6:50 PM, JDG wrote:

To question at hand is whether it is moral to kill a [group of cells]
after conception.   There are two possible arguments in favor of this:
   1) The [group of cells] is not human life.
   2) It is acceptable to kill some human lives

Do we care about births, or do we care about lives?

We could continue to try to find an invisible line or we could
concentrate on the value of every human life, including the millions of
infants and children who die every year due to lack of access to
prenatal, perinatal and early childhood care. How is it that people who
are so quick to insist that every pregnancy result in a birth are so
quick to criticize and cut programs that would ensure that the births
they claim to care so much about result in healthy lives?



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