Julia Thompson wrote:
> Warren Ockrassa wrote:
>> On Apr 25, 2005, at 8:20 AM, Julia Thompson wrote:
>>> I know of someone who had had more than one baby the first time
>>> around and was having an early ultrasound after she'd discovered
>>> she was pregnant a second time.  The first ultrasound revealed 2
>>> fetuses, but only 1 heartbeat was detected.  The second ultrasound
>>> a couple of weeks later revealed only 1 fetus.  (There is
>>> speculation that the "vanishing twin" syndrome is more common than
>>> we think, but I'm not sure how common it supposedly is.)
>> By John's argument the surviving twin should be tried for murder.
>> After all s/he presumably killed and possibly engulfed his/her
>> sibling, and since a mass of undifferentiated cells is equal to
>> "human" in his lexicon, it's abundantly clear that the x-week-old 
>> is
>> guilty. (Unless some other fetus snuck in there in the night and 
>> did
>> the deed.) Fratricide, infanticide and cannibalism are serious 
>> crimes. I say we
>> try the offender as an adult and don't hold back on the death
>> penalty if there's a guilty verdict.
>> That's only sensible, right?
> Well, we don't know why the second twin vanishes.
Then the police are not doing their jobs.
We need to take more money from Social Security in order to fund a 
program that places a cop in every uterus to guard the not yet born. 
Then we will have enough future workers to fund the social programs we 
will have in the meantime killed in order to fund the ever burgeoning 
police forces.

One Adam Twelve In Utero Maru


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