On 4/30/05, JDG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 01:52 PM 4/28/2005 -0500, John Horn wrote:
> >> >> In recent weeks it has become clear that President Bush has
> >> >> floated a trial baloon regarding lifting the current cap on
> >> >> income subject to Social Security tax. Right now, income over
> >> >> $100,000 is exempt from the 12.5% Social Security tax. I
> >> >> believe that when asked about it, President Bush
> >> >> said something to the effect of "everything is on the table."
> >> >
> >> >Which is, of course, a long, long, LONG way off from saying that
> >> >Bush is "proposing" to raise this cap. Either that or he is
> >> >"proposing" to invade Iran as well by saying all options are on
> >the
> >> >table there.
> >>
> >> That's how politics works, John.
> >
> >If I recall the conversation correctly, this really doesn't answer
> >anything. Or address the point I was making. I know politics works
> >by saying a lot of different things that you don't necessarily mean.
> >That was sorta my point.
> Actually, I think that it is just the opposite. It is the tried-and-true
> means of raising an unpopular, but necessary idea, to see if it will walk,
> or to see if it will be skewered. It looked like a fairly obvious "trial
> balloon."
> Unfortunately, the Republicans seem rather alone in taking the Social
> Security problem seriously - whereas the Democrats *still* have yet to 
> show
> that they have *any* ideas.

Every single proposal the Republicans have floated in talking "seriously" 
about Social Security cuts the median benefits, even after the new 
privatized portion is factored in, more than if we do nothing. Every 
proposal also involves the government borrowing more money sooner to deal 
with smaller deficits later. End of discussion. 

Gary Denton
Easter Lemming Blogs

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