At 08:47 PM 4/30/2005 -0700, Doug wrote:
>My suggestion was meant to imply that it makes more sense to attack S.A. 
>than it does to attack Iraq, 

O.k., its not clear from this message.    Do you believe that the US should
have pursued a war against Saudi Arabia after 9/11?  

>a country that had no involvement in the 9/11 
>attacks whatsoever and that, due to international sanctions, the U.S. 
>military presence enforcing no fly zones over most of the country, and 
>invasive WMD inspections, posed no threat to the U.S. or anyone else.

This is not exactly true.   On 9/11/01 there were no WMD inspections
occuring in Iraq, and indeed, none had occurred for years.   

>> I'm curious as to why you believe that.   Do you think that those 
>> elements in the world that were pushing for a lifting of sanctions on 
>> Iraq so a
>> connection between 9/11 and Iraq?    If so, what was that connection?
>The connection was that Bush said there was a connection.

O.k., so you seem to be saying that following 9/11, the rest of the world
would have believed George Bush that there was a connection between 9/11
and Iraq, and thus would have ceased pushing for an end of sanctions on

>> 7) <No Answer> - based on information available at the time
>> 8) <No Answer> - based on information available at the time
>> 9) <No Answer> - based on information available at the time
>> 10) <No Answer> - on whether the ability to purchase a nuclear weapon 
>> from the DPRK constitute a threat
>Inspection teams + U.S. pressence + sanctions = No threat.

Given that Saddam Hussein had kicked out UN inspsection teams, that US
troops were only along the Southern Border of Iraq, and what we now know
about how UN sanctions operated on Iraq, particularly the Oil-for-Food
program, do you believe that these sanctions would have effectively
prevented Saddam Hussein from selling chemical and biological weapons on
the black market to the highest bidder?

Also, do you believe that the above would have effectively prevented Saddam
Hussein from purchasing a full-assembled nuclear weapon from the DPRK  over
the long run?


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