* Gary Denton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> There is never any factual content he indicates he is disagreeing with
> and

Never? There is something stated as fact which is incorrect. The Brin-L
archives provide ample evidence.

Of course, if Gary hadn't used the word never, but "rarely", then Gary
would of course be correct. Since Gary rarely states any unambiguous
facts, it is rather difficult to have factual disagreements. As everyone
has no doubt already noticed, Gary tends to make a lot of vague
statements, sometimes with ambiguous appeals to perceived authority,
that upon closer examination are no more meaningful than an Eliza

The only pattern is that they always follow a certain politics. As long
as my conclusions were agreeing with Gary's politics, he was full of
praise. Only when a liberal policy or politician is criticized is there
a problem with the methodology.


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