On 5/10/05, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
> > At 11:27 AM Tuesday 5/10/2005, Dave Land wrote:
> >> On May 9, 2005, at 11:52 PM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
> >>
> >>> At 12:30 AM Tuesday 5/10/2005, Dave Land wrote:
> >>>> On May 9, 2005, at 9:45 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:
> >
> >>>>> I don't know what you mean by 'nutmeg'.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> But
> >>>>>> the hallucinogenic effects of the highly prized cloves of
> >>>>>> nutmeg
> >>>>>> are well known since the Middle Ages. Hmm. Coincidence?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Do you think it's coincidence that cinnamon existed in the
> >>>>> middle
> >>>>> ages? Of course it isn't. Please pay attention. The signal to
> >>>>> noise ratio is too high.
> >>>>
> >>>> I see the greatest minds of our list destroyed by madness.
> >>>
> >>> You realize what that says about those of us who are left, don't
> >>> you?
> >>
> >> Either you flatter yourself by including yourself among "the
> >> greatest
> >> minds" and experience discomfort of being "destroyed by madness" or
> >> you do not consider yourself one of "the greatest minds" to begin
> >> with.
> >
> >
> >
> > I actually meant that regardless of which category I personally
> > consider myself to belong to, those do seem to be the only
> > categories
> > available to choose from . . .
> >
> >
> >
> >> I'm glad that we can have fun with this recent spate of
> >> slam-posting.
> >
> >
> >
> > Amen.  That's how it should always be.
> >
> >
> I occurs to me that this is how Brin-L was when I first joined, many
> years ago.
> That.......is a cheerful thought.<G>
> xponent
> Enduring Maru
> rob

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