At 11:28 AM Sunday 5/15/2005, Robert Seeberger wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronn!Blankenship" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: The American Political Landscape Today

> At 10:59 AM Sunday 5/15/2005, Nick Arnett wrote: > >>How does one go about persuading people to vote for candidates with >>whom they >>fundamentally disagree? Politics is quite mysterious. > > > Perhaps it's because so often when people get to the polls they hold > their noses and vote for the least objectionable of the available > choices or the one they think is likely to either do the most for > them personally or at least to do the least to harm them? > > A more likely explanation is that your average voter is lazy and insecure.

They are lazy when it comes to searching out the facts and doing any
kind of "work" that goes along with making an informed decision.

They are insecure in that they will cling to a comforting lie rather
than confront an uncomfortable truth. This makes them manipulable.

It is only after bad information and bad choices that nose holding at
the polls will occur.

Sometimes it may be because the perfect (or at least best) candidate (in my opinion as a voter) is defeated in the primary and so when it comes to the general election all of the available candidates have something wrong with them (again, in my opinion as a voter), so I either have to hold my nose and vote for the lesser of the two evils or sit this election out, but as a "good citizen" I feel it is my duty to vote. so . . .

-- Ronn! :)


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