On Sun, 15 May 2005 23:06:38 -0400, John D. Giorgis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I came across a thought provoking article today by Christopher HItchens
that relates to our recent discussion on "what's going better in Iraq for
the Iraqis."

Ian McEwan observed recently that there were, in effect, two kinds of
people: those who could have used or recognized the words "Abu Ghraib" a
few years ago, and those to whom it became a new term only last year.

Whole article:

If the Abu Ghraib incidents were an isolated incident he might have a point, but as the Bush administration has demonstrated disdain for the Geneva Convention and a willingness to condone torture in many other instances, his diatribe falls flat.

The buck stops where? maru

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