--- Andrew Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gautam Mukunda wrote:
> > No, the question is the exact opposite.  Why is it
> > that you claim that it's _only_ America that acts
> only
> > in its self-interest, and everyone else gets a
> pass?
> Point out where I said that. No one else gets a free
> pass.

Really?  Then when did you mention the behavior of
other countries, which are clearly acting for reasons
of corruption or avarice, with far better evidence
than anything for the US.  Where did you mention this
_even once_, in between your heated condemnations of -
as far as I can tell - anything and everything the US
does in the world?

> Look, I am not a "War for Oil" theorist, not in a
> direct sense, but you
> can't deny that if Saddam was a dictator in some
> oil-free tinpot African
> state, we would not be having this conversation, cos
> he would still be
> in power.

You're not?  Yet below you make the most facile of War
for Oil arguments about the Sudan, of all places. 
That's remarkable.  At any rate, so what?  Oil is
power.  A state with oil is more important than one
without oil, all other things being equal.  Your point
has relevance if and only if you believe that force
can be used only when it is irrelevant to, or actually
opposed to, the national interest.

> Umm, and after the US intervention, I will leave you
> to guess who would
> have 'new' massive oil contracts with the 'new'
> Sudanese government.

Gee, Andrew, do you _think_ this might be why I don't
believe you when you claim not to be anti-American? 
Do you seriously want to claim that helping in
genocide (France, Russia, China) and trying to stop
genocide (the US) are the same thing, morally?  I
guess being saved by Americans is worse than being
killed by someone else, or something?  If you're not a
"War for Oil" theorist, then this is a pretty crazy
argument.  If you are, it still is, but at least it's

> > You have a funny way of showing it.  You know, I
> > constantly hear, "I like America" from people who
> > never have anything good to say about it and who
> > oppose everything it does in the world -
> particularly
> > when they are the _beneficiaries_ of what it does
> in
> > the world.  You'll forgive me if the simple
> statement
> > doesn't quite convince me one way or the other.
> > 
> Well, that is your choice. I would not even be
> arguing about this if I
> did not feel strongly about freedom and democracy,
> of which America is a
> great champion. 

Ah yes, the rote statement.  You just think, though,
that in the Sudan we're trying to stop a genocide
because of the oil there.  It couldn't possibly be
because _we think genocide is bad_.
> And how am I supposed to "show it"? 

Well, looking at the Sudan and saying, "Gee, I prefer
the people who are trying to stop the genocide to the
people who are trying to help it, even though the
people who are trying to stop it are Americans" would
be a start. 

> No, it can't be refuted because it is, in fact, too
> late to try any other approach.

Since no one has suggested anything that even vaguely
resembles another approach with any sort of reasonable
possibility of success, this is pointless.  You can't
oppose something with nothing.  You can't say, I want
to get rid of Saddam but I want to do it without war. 
Well, I want the tooth fairy to do it, but since that
isn't happening, let's try something that might work.
> Opposing the invasion, was,
> surprisingly
> enough, opposing the invasion. 

And opposing genocide is, surprisingly enough,
opposing genocide, except when the US does it, right?

>As a consequence, he
> may have stayed in
> power, I accept that, but I did not "favour" him.
> Andrew

Well, that's more honest than some people.  No one
said you favored him.  That's the difference between
saying that's what you wanted, and that's the _effect_
of what you wanted.  If you choose an action, you
choose the consequences of that action.  You can't
separate them, however much you want to.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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