At 07:09 PM 5/16/2005 -0700, Nick wrote:
>> If the standard liberal Democratic position is to oppose every one 
>> of those restrictions on abortion, then isn't it true that they are 
>> defending all abortions from any legalized restriction?
>I suppose it does.  But that is dramatically different from "defending 
>abortion."  One can defend the legality of abortion without endorsing it.  

Well, Nick, here's my problem.  

Dan wrote:
>> I don't see it that way.  Let's take one contraversial subject: abortion.
>> The standard liberal Democratic position is to defend all abortions without
>> question.  

And you responded very, very, forcefully with:

>Extremist strawman hogwash.  That is neither the party position, nor much of 
>anybody in it.

Yet. you have now conceded that liberal Democrats "defend all abortions
from any legalized restriction" - while at the same time holding "that this
is dramatically different from 'defending abortion.'" 

Is it fair for me to say that you are trying to stake out a *very* nuanced
position here?   

I would also point out that the statement you agreed with used the phrase
"defend all abortions", which is the same phrasing Dan M. used in his
original remark, and which you may perceive as being different from
"defneding abortion" which you objected to in your most recent clarification.



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