5/16/05, JDG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 10:56 AM 5/16/2005 -0700, Nick Arnett wrote:
> >> I don't see it that way. Let's take one contraversial subject: 
> abortion.
> >> The standard liberal Democratic position is to defend all abortions 
> without
> >> question.
> >
> >Extremist strawman hogwash. That is neither the party position, nor much 
> of
> >anybody in it.
> Oh really, NIck????
> Then I am sure that you are more than happy to provide information to
> disprove Dan's proposition. Republicans have proposed a number of
> sensible restrictions on abortion over the years. Can you name one such
> restriction that was supported by liberal Democrats????

OK, it wasn't clear and from the tone I assumed the word "liberal" was used 
as a perjorative.

Instead you have made a steeper test - that "liberal Democrats", not 
Democrats as a whole but a subset of them, must have opposed all these 

Allow me to provide a list of suggestions:
> -no public funds should be used to fund abortions
-Catholic hospitals should not be required to perform abortions
-minors should be required to notify their parents or a judge before
> getting an abortion
> -there should be a mandatory waiting period for an abortion
> -"partial-birth"/"dilation and extraction" abortions should be prohibited
> -abortions after viability should be prohibited
> -gender-selection abortions should be prohibited

All of these positions have been supported by Democrats. 
But this is a straw man argument. Lets try the same type of argument in a 
slightly different context

Why do the conservative Republicans always feel that government belongs in 
the bedroom regulating behavior?
Why do they always feel that the government knows more than a woman and her 
doctor on sexual matters?

Can you point me to positions where these are not consistently supported by 
conservative Republicans?

Gary Denton
Easter Lemming Blogs

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