At 11:03 PM 5/17/2005 -0500, John Horn wrote:
>> >Abortion will never be rare until there are no unwanted
>> >pregnancies.
>> John,
>> Before I respond to your other points, the above is clearly 
>> some kind of
>> typo.  I don't want to put words in your mouth - so would you 
>> care to make
>> the correction you intend?
>No, that's what I meant to say.  Where's the typo?  It's late here
>but I don't think I'm *that* tired.  Another way of saying it is: As
>long as there are unwanted pregnancies there will be abortions.

It's connecting "rare" to "no."    

To me it would be at least plausible to say, "Abortion will never be rare
until unwanted pregnancies are rare."    

To me it seems completely implausible to say that Abortion can't be made
rare until there are *no* unwanted pregnancies.


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