On 5/17/05, Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan wrote:
> > The point is, most Americans believe that abortions should be illegal
> > some of the time.  Most Democrats support the legality of all abortions,
> > even
> > for development beyond viability.
> Do you haave a cite for that.  I found this:
> Los Angeles Times Poll. Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 2003. N=1,385 adults nationwide.
> MoE ± 3 (total sample).
> "Do you favor or oppose a law which would make it illegal to perform a
> specific abortion procedure conducted in the last six months of a woman's
> pregnancy known as a partial-birth abortion, except in cases necessary to
> save the life of the mother?"
>                 ALL     Democrats       Independents    Republicans
> Favor           57              53              56                      65
> Oppose  38              42              39                      31
> Don't know      5               5               5                       4
> Well down the page here:
> http://www.pollingreport.com/abortion.htm
According to legal analysis and the language in the bill itself it did
not ban late term abortion.

It banned a particular procedure and then messed up the language on
that procedure so that it bans some abortions at 12 weeks. (Actually
what the GOP has been describing as partial birth-abortion which has a
feet first delivery isn't banned at all.)

Leaving aside the actual details, those so inconvenient facts, lets
see what this poll does show.

A majority 53% of Democrats would agree to a late-term abortion ban
with exceptions for the life of the mother. 65% of Republican agree to
this.  Why wasn't this the bill?

The bill was ruled unconstitutional because it had no exceptions for
the well-being of the pregnant woman and in one of the trials in a
finding of fact a conservative pro-life judge ruled that GOP
leadership had to know that this was a procedure often used for the
medical health of the mother despite them presenting false evidence
this was not so.

JDG is arguing any woman dumb enough to have an unwanted pregnancy is
rich enough and smart enough to find a doctor who would say having a
child is bad for their health.

This argument is wrong on its face.

Gary Denton
Easter Lemming Blogs

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