How many ways will this administration have to betray conservatism before the nation's old-fashioned conservatives wake up and realize that they have been had?

The obstinacy of symbolic allegiance means that the answer is probably never.

Reducing deficit spending?

 Limiting the size and reach of government?

Promoting small business?

Stimulating creative interaction between universities of business?

Patrolling and regulating our borders in order to emphasize legal rather than illegal immigration?

Respecting separation of church and state?

Appointing independent and reputable constructionalists to the courts?

Use of our military judiciously, in cooperation with allies, and avoiding adventurism?

Maintaining military readiness?

Managing the government with minimum corruption and maximum efficiency?

In all of these areas, the Clinton Administration was not only superior in effectiveness to the present one, but diametrically, toweringly and overwhelmingly so. And please note once again... ALL OF THESE ARE CLASSIC CONSERVATIVE DESIDERATA. I do not mention energy research, environmental protection and so many other areas that are of more universal interest.

And now the following.... a topic area that would have given conservatives screaming snits if it had happened on Clinton's watch.,1848,67471,00.html?tw=wn_story_top5

What will it take, in order for sincere american conservatives (not neocons) to start hearing that whirring sound from Arizona and Gettysburg... Barry Goldwater and Dwight Eisenhower spinning in their graves.

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