At 05:52 PM Wednesday 5/18/2005, Nick Arnett wrote:
On Wed, 18 May 2005 18:45:15 -0400, Erik Reuter wrote
> * Julia Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I've been asked to ask you to tone it down on personal attacks
> > on-list.
> >
> > If you make many more personal attacks on-list, the probability of
> > your being placed on moderation will be non-zero.

Posting a private e-mail to the public list, which I'm fairly certain was done
without Julia's permission, is lousy netiquette.

On a couple of other lists I am a member of, doing that or its converse (forwarding an on-list message off-list) is grounds for immediate dismissal, regardless of who does it or how long they have been there or how well liked they are. That policy got started a year or two ago when someone (who was lurking under an assumed name, it seems) forwarded out-of-context excerpts from one list member's posts to that list members RL employer, which led to that person being forced into early retirement from the teaching job he had held for several decades.

-- Ronn! :)


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