Damn you, Warren Okrassa!

How dare you bring rational thought and personal stories to a discussion of abortion? I think you know as well as I do that the only way to argue this issue is with pictures of aborted fetuses, Bible verse placards, stories of women killed in back-alley clinics and reams of statistics.


Praise be to Warren Okrassa!

Who else brings to Brin-L remarkably clear thinking, fearless devotion to fairly hashing things out, and a discursive style that is the best example of what of the Public Conversations Project is trying to do that I've ever experienced?

Thank you for sharing the story of your relationship with the 14-year-old that you mentor. I think it helps tremendously to hear what it is that leads us to our opinions, as opposed to simply spewing the latest talking points on the subject.

I've been silent on this thread because my own experiences have not taught me anything that would add value to this discussion, but I thought I'd pop up here and give you proper respect for the way you're carrying on your part in it.



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