At 06:41 PM Monday 5/23/2005, John D. Giorgis wrote:
In light of our recent abortion discussion, I'm wondering what some of the
Brin-L'ers here think of the NH law requiring that parents of a minor be
notified 48 hours before an abortion.    Should this law contain an
exception if the health of the minor is at risk?

Currently, our national abortion jurisprudence says that it should.....

And as long as "health" includes "mental health", in practice any such law is invalidated, as a "mental health" type diagnosis can be based upon the opinion of one professional without any hard evidence from lab tests, etc., which is why some have the opinion that those who make such determinations do not and will not restrictions of any sort on abortions, thus they (the first group) say that they (the second group) "defend all abortions."

-- Ronn!  :)


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