At 04:22 PM Tuesday 5/24/2005, Deborah Harrell wrote:
> Gary Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On 5/24/05, Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Let us not disrespect one anothers' pink unicorns.

<winces>  Please...rose or lavender or even puce
(although Teal is the One True Color)...but *not*

> My shrine to Buffy and Willow is helping me process
> all my billions of past lives.

How I long for a return of the Buffyverse --
ScoobyGang, where _are_ you?

> Fictionology is nor just for former Scientologists.

Of course, there are really stoopid Fictionologists
whose personal daemons are Speed Racer, Underdog or
Luke Duke; yet I suppose that they must be tolerated -
after all, they are human in somebody's definology.

Calling Underdog "human" would seem to be stretching the definology . . .

Not Plane Nor Bird Nor Even Frog Either Maru

-- Ronn!  :)


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