>  Natural gas is hard to transport, because it
> > doesn't become liquid under pressure (as decent
> gases
> > like propane or ammonia do)

I am sure that the petrocrats have all sorts of
insights and scenarios.  this may or may not be one of

What is clear, however, is that civilization's best
interests are not perceived as similar to their own
self interest.

WHether or not you believe that liberals are
touchy-feelly-unrealistic to emphasize
renewable/sustainable energy sources as an IMMEDIATE
and viable alternative to dependence uypon fossil
fuels (mushc of it foreign)... that's irrelevant. 
Clearly renewable/sustainable energy sources are our
children's main hope OVER THE LONG HAUL!

Hence, whether or not you think that Kyoto Protocolsa
are excessive.  Or even if you believe (AS I DO!) that
new-generation nuclear plants should be part of the
short term bridging scenario.  Or even if you are
willing to bet against climate change...

Even assuming ALL of those things, is is simply
obvious to any person who is intelligent, sane and
loyal to this civilization that weshould be investing
in RESEARCH toward bringing online conservation,
efficiency and renewable/sustainable energy sources.

Only people who are profoundly stupid and/or disloyal
could undermine and cut and denigrate that kind of
prudent investment in pump priming, to help our
children when oil is depleted, when carbon fills the
air, and when a burgeoning world middle class starts
wanting everything that WE now have, from cars to air

No, there are only two words on the table for such
people.  Stupid.  Or Disloyal.

I lean toward both.

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