On 6/2/05, Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Amnesty, defending its description of Gitmo as a 'gulag,' has urged the
> US to allow independent investigations of allegations of torture at
> detention centers for terrorism suspects, says a Reuters report:
>        http://tinyurl.com/cfd5b
> Or, for a truly big hairy URL:
>        http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;
> type=topNews&storyID=8679743&section=news
> > I mean, they've nothing to hide.  Right?
> You'd hope so, but you'd be naively assuming that we self-proclaimed
> defenders of liberty and human rights actually intended to defend
> liberty and human rights. I hate what is being done in the name of
> America. Perhaps they think that we have to destroy our reputation
> in order to save it.

Amnesty International, which recently Bush&Co. had been citing against
those it opposes, is upset that Gitmo is only the tip of a secret
network of linked U.S. and Allies interrogation prisons around the

I think Americans should be upset.

Gary Denton
Easter Lemming Blogs

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