On 6/7/05, KZK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> William T Goodall wrote:
> > http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2005/jun/06intel.html
> >
> > Apple are migrating the Mac from the PPC CPU to the x86 over the next
> > two years. x86 based Macs are available for developers now, and the
> > first x86 Macs for sale to the general public will be available  within
> > a year.
> Yep.  Apple wants a piece of the TCPA/Palladium Pie.

They could probably could get that just as well if they had gone with
AMD, whose processors are superior almost every which way to Intel's.
No, I think Intel made them an offer they couldn't refuse, and IBM
refused to match.

Discount-wise that is.

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