Nick Arnett wrote:
My question is this. Has our form of government really changed in the decades since? Is democracy today fundamentally different from the system under which we not only permitted, but encouraged and paid for people to cheat, drive away, torture and murder the native people of this continent? What evidence would you offer to argue that democracy as it exists today in the United States will prevent or stop such behavior? How is this thing that we are exporting by force to Iraq fundamentally different from the system that allowed atrocities in our own land?

Good questions. Allow me to add a couple more: Why focus on one particular place of human rights violations (Iraq) and ignore others (Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan)? Why not follow the proper channels for action (the UN) when they've proven themselves to work in a less culturally biased manner over several decades? Is Iraq really worth the amount of money and soldier's lives that have spent to "democratize" it?

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