On Jun 15, 2005, at 11:56 AM, Gary Denton wrote:

On 6/15/05, Warren Ockrassa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wind farms often get voted down in the US, mostly because no one wants
to live near one. Folks seem to think they're ugly. And lately there's
been advertising done *here* as well, trying to boost the image of
coal. The suggestion is that coal miners are all hardbodied men and
women in their early to mid twenties, who spend most of their time in
the mines standing upright and striking alluring poses. Can a
coal-powered SUV be far behind?

What the hell is *wrong* with people?

I like wind farms as long as I don't live within a mile of one.  That
seems to be no problem here in Texas or most areas in the US.

Why, exactly, wouldn't you want to live within a mile of one? They're
big enough that one mile won't make that much of a difference, so I
can't think it's the eyesore factor. I do not live within a mile of one
-- more like about 40 miles -- so I don't have an intimate relationship
with them. I know that the wind farm at Altamont Pass here in Northern
California comes under a lot of criticism for the number of birds,
especially raptors, that are killed there. In fact, Altamont Pass it the
most lethal wind farm in North America for raptors.

So is it the smell of rotting birds?



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