On 6/16/05, Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Golly, *who* might benefit from the easing of
> introduction of new pesticides...?
> Debbi
> Monsanto And Dupont Fer Twa Maru
The other day Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gave a passionate speech here in
Houston denouncing the Bush administration, the current GOP
leadership, and corporate polluters who are united in greed.

No surprise there.

But it was very effective probably because it was passionate and
heartfelt and all framed in a pro-capitalist, pro-free market,
pro-Christian, pro-patriotic American and bipartisan manner.  Like
many he feels that Bush has been worse than a disaster for our

A mp3 download of the 1-hour Houston Progressive Forum Pacifica radio
program includes the speech here for 59 days.


It might be considered a more effective update of articles and
speeches and a book he has written on the Bush environmental record. 
His earlier article "Crimes Against Nature" is here:


Gary Denton
http://www.apollocon.org  June 24-26

Easter Lemming Blogs

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