On Jun 18, 2005, at 11:24 PM, KZK wrote:

William T Goodall wrote:
Are you a new troll or an old troll with a new address?

I must be a new troll.  Lol.

I was just pointing out that Mr. Ockrassa's Slanderous remarks are no different from pres. Bush and other Lying, weaseling Rightwing leaders accuse atheists of being the the cause of the holocaust. Nor is it very far removed from Reverend Falwells viciously slanderous remarks: "I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen'" about 911.

Not very different at all.

I had no idea that Mr. Ockrassa's comments on an obscure mailing list had led to the deaths of thousands upon thousands of Iraqis and Americans.

Impeach Warren Ockrassa!

In fact it is the same tactics being used by the Rightwing media to slander Sen. Durbin and misdirect attention away from Guantanamo Bay and torture.

The question is not whether the US man who murdered his 9 children was like Stalin--clearly he was not. The question is whether he is different enough. If all you can say to defend this child murderer is point to Stalin and say Stalin was worse then you are despicable indeed.

Where did /anybody/ defend this guy? I think several people in this thread have pointed out that the mere fact that he was a religious zealot and the fact that he killed his children does not taint religion itself or those who find comfort and community in it.

The question is whether we continue to support the annoying tendency of certain posters to assert that it was this insane individual's religious zealotry that caused him to kill his children, when it is at least as likely that his insanity drove him to both his religious zealotry and the murder of his children.

Maybe it's time for someone to take up the cause of knee-jerk criticisms of crazy people? Every time any crazy act is mentioned on list, that person needs to chime in with "See, craziness is evil and should be eradicated."

Dave "Religion is the Mass of the Opiates" Land


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