On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

> At 03:24 PM Wednesday 6/29/2005, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >
> >I have some of my stuff back up and running, but not Thunderbird yet,
> >which is what I use to check the usual administration address.  (Need to
> >get all my mail folders, etc. moved over, and if I don't block out 30
> >minutes for it, it'll take 60, but if I block out the 30 minutes, it'll
> >only take 10.  Or so it seems to go.)
> Don't bet on the latter.  Bet on the former being ridiculously optimistic, 
> especially if you total up the time from all of the multiple times you will 
> have to repeat the process until it works correctly (and it may not be 
> obviously working incorrectly for several hours/days//weeks until suddenly 
> everything comes to a screeching halt).
> (This applies to _any_ task involving computers.  Especially the ones which 
> are obviously so simple and straightforward that they should take no more 
> than 10 minutes.)

I went to check the e-mail on the web, and the password isn't working.  :)  
So no getting it all in shape until I have a working password....  (I'm 
sleeping with the admin, though, so I figure I can get it taken care of 
before too much longer....)

> >   I'll have that up tomorrow evening
> >or sometime Friday.  (Got a date with my hubby tonight -- married 14 years
> >ago today!)
> Congratulations!  Happy anniversary!
> >And I still need to install the camera software and the genealogy
> >software, but that'll wait until the mail stuff is up and running
> >properly.  :)
> IOW, maybe sometime in the fall¹ . . .
> (¹Note that a year is not specified.)
> Voice Of Experience Maru

1)  Genealogy software, maybe.  About all I have to do is beat on the 
cousin who gave us a database about at least one DOB being totally wrong, 
maybe more stuff, besides.  But I have to find the disk first.

2)  Can't download pictures from the camera without having that software 
installed, and as soon as I find the disk, there I am.  Really.  I think 
it's somewhere on my desk....  (Hey, the Palm software was, and I *had* to 
have that up and running yesterday to extract some info as to whether or 
not an appointment had been made for yesterday afternoon, so's I could be 
ready for it if it had been scheduled for then.)

Gotta go play with Sam for awhile while his siblings are napping.  :)



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