-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 12:18 PM
To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
Subject: Re: Fare thee well my beautiful Vulcan,was RE: Star Trek signs off

>From: "Travis Edmunds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I have been hoping for a while that we'd see a darker Federation.

We did, in DS-9, which I loved. Apparently, viewers didn't. When TV finally 
reran it, it was daytimes when I'm in school (Sob)

>>Fed from the perspective of colony worlds who had not joined it, who 
>>didn't want (necessarily) to join it. Set it in the Kirk era, when 
>>tensions were at their all-time high.

All-time high? I'd call it a Cold War analog. Kirk seemed to be able to zip 
in and out of trouble with a lot less trouble than, say, Picard and the 

>>I mean -- OK, so the Federation features high tech, highfalutin 
>>philosophies and of course lean hardbodied crew. Wouldn't it be 
>>magnificent to see the story of a world that didn't want to get barcoded 
>>and look exactly like FedVolken? These people, maybe, have had to eke out 
>>a living for decades on some barely survivable rock at the farthest fringe

>>of almost-forgotten space. They have traded with the Ferengi, the Klingons

>>and even the Romulans on more or less even terms, and they've managed over

>>the years to develop their own culture and sense of independence.
>>Along comes some guy in a big shiny vessel with a command shirt and a 
>>brief to standardize the planet to Fed guidelines. But they don't *want* 
>>those guidelines. To them the Fed is little different from the Borg. And 
>>because of strategic position or planetary reserves, the Fed wants them 
>>badly, but the Ferengi, Klingons and Romulans would all benefit from 
>>seeing this world retain its non-Federation affiliation.
>>What happens then?

See FIREFLY. <G> Or why I love Firefly.

>>And suppose these people have access to Fed history (current events?) ... 
>>and often quote one James Tiberius Kirk regarding the values of 
>>independence, internal ethics and so forth?

Hoo boy! "We, the people of the United States of Backofbeyond...."

>>Use the Trek model to interrogate the values of the Federation, IOW. That 
>>to me would be interesting, particularly if there was no reset button. 
>>Wouldn't it be cool to see a Fed captain saying something like, "Prime 
>>Directive be damned! We MUST have this planet! We WILL have this planet! 
>>Disable their shield and arm the torpedoes!"

"....to the sound of thunderous applause from the homeworld." The locals 
would be labeled "Terrorists". See also "Indian Wars."

>Not tea bag of an idea really (current political parallels aside), but it's

>my understanding that fans have already been dealt the dark side of things 
>with DS9, and by and large want a return to the more quixotical side of 
>things best exemplified by early TNG and of course the irrepressible and 
>avant-garde TOS.
>I'll try to dig up some articles on that if I can.
I think Trek has run through the entire cycle of possible events and 
mindsets at this point, and will either need to reinvent itself well and 
truly, or wait until we're in a Kirk-ish mood again (along about 2020?) or 
go quietly to the "Best of the XXth Century" museum.

Notice  how we get a different Batman for every decade, and the current one 
is said to be the best yet. We've been getting a different Superman for 
every decade, too, which isn't working quite as well, but Smallville is 
excellent. Reinventions that failed miserably include my all-time favorite, 
Catwoman (Poor Halle Berry, stuck with such a dreadful script and costume!)



as something that myself and Travis have discussed on more then one
occasion. The reinvention of the wheel is not so much needed as the drive
train needs to be updated, or the vehicle that it moves needs to be changed.
Something that we have discussed has been running 2 separate shows that take
place during the same time period about 20yrs post Nemesis. That way you can
bring in the aging TNG DS9 and Voyager characters in some roles as admirals
or retired SF members and what not. However the show lengths will only be
30mins one show would be based on star fleet academy.... say "Star Trek:
Star Fleet Academy" and would follow the lives of 6 classmates as them go
through their training. The other would be based on the Romulan fleet
academy and again would follow the lives of 4 class mates and a few
instructors. The 2 shows would run in the normal 1h time slot back to back,
for approx 4 - 5 seasons. 4 seasons being for their actual school time
frame, and season 5 for the first year of their deployment onto a starship
or else where. During season 4 1 other new show will be introduced and will
be a regular 1h slot and will air every 2weeks. It will build up the story
for season 5+, and will be done as an alternating story line where in the
off weeks the Romulan show will air..... after season 5 and 1 and 2 of the
new series. They will conclude in one massive join finale that will set the
stage for the next show which will either bring all casts together in a
joint operation/adventure, or set them as advisories.

I know it would cost a fortune but it would be an amazing way to move
startrek ahead and really expand on the Romulan story lines.

Nick "I love trek" Lidster


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