On Sat, 2 Jul 2005 09:40:01 -0700 Nick Arnett wrote:

On Sat, 2 Jul 2005 07:30:10 -0700 (PDT), Leonard Matusik wrote

>> Number 4* begged some clarification, so (..for better or worse) I 
>> started doing it myself. I began thinking how people tend to claim 
>> allegiences.. I'm chinese, I'm male, I'm for the RedSox, etc. .. 
>> and in doing so create a corporate entity.. a group of people who 
>> behave (somewhat) as an individual. 

>I'm not sure you're using a proper meaning for attractor states. They are 
>repeating, stable or recurring configurations of nodes in a network system... 
>which are almost in opposition, or at least orthogonal, to the idea of 
>individuals being attracted to each other via similiarity. A simple Boolean 
>network gives rise to attractor states, but there can be no notion of 
>similarity between nodes -- they are either identical or opposite.


Well, the context was roughly *culture evolution* and the statement was Dr. 
David Brins, not mine. You sound like a computer guy (I'm not), would you (or 
anyone else,)  like to guess what Dr. Brin meant by the statement?

"4* the notion of attractor states which will reliably pull groups of humans 
in, given certain kinds of circumstances." -brin

Thanks it'd help me out.  

Leonard Matusik [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(It's phylogeny.)

Nick Arnett
Voicemail: 408-904-7198


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