Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
I fear it may be something that no matter what options you select, Windows resets them to what it wants ("enabled" by default in this case) every time you restart the machine.

The Accessibility features are purpousely hard to turn off because they are "accessibility" issues. That is, they worry that if you turn them off completely someone with disabilities won't be able to use that computer.

Basically, you have to keep in mind:

* The settings are per-account on a computer (you have to set it for each icon on the Welcome screen)

* Turning on a setting before login (say, you leave the computer and the cat hits the shift key those five times) leaves the feature on regardless of the account's setting

* When hitting Win+U you can accidentally activate any and all of the Accessibility features, again regardless of the account settings

Win+U has been one of my big annoyances because it is too close to Win, pause, U which is the shortest way to the shutdown menu.

As far as I know, in Windows, there is no way to shut off the Accessibility features completely for the entire computer.

--Max Battcher--
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