At 01:10 PM Thursday 8/4/2005, Gary Denton wrote:
I keep looking into this and every time somebody does an international
report there are different results.  There is a problem of people
reporting crime and of definitions.

For example: ""Homicide rates in the U.S. far exceed those in any
other industrialized nations. For other violent crimes, rates in the
U.S. are among the world's highest and substantially exceed rates in
Canada, our nearest neighbor in terms of geography, culture, and crime
reporting. Among 16 industrialized countries surveyed in 1988, the
U.S. had the highest prevalence rates for serious sexual assaults and
for all other assaults including threats of physical harm."
(Understanding and Preventing Violence 1993)"

Someone at Lew Rockwell - a hard conservative/libertarian site, also
came to much the same conclusion - the crime rate data is screwed up
so you can't get conclusive results on how gun ownership rates effect

Perhaps apropos of the subject line, from CNN this morning concerning the recent bombings in London and showing some differences between UK and US reporting of crime "in their own words":


-- Ronn!  :)


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