Using extremophiles to improve plant growth under
harsh (OK, deadly) conditions as on Mars might be a
first step to making it habitable.  (Hey, one can

...On Mars, plants would have to tolerate conditions
that usually cause them a great deal of stress --
severe cold, drought, low air pressure, soils that
they didn't evolve for. But plant physiologist Wendy
Boss and microbiologist Amy Grunden of North Carolina
State University believe they can develop plants that
can live in these conditions. Their work is supported
by the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts. 

Stress management is key: Oddly, there are already
Earth creatures that thrive in Mars-like conditions.
They're not plants, though. They're some of Earth's
earliest life forms--ancient microbes that live at the
bottom of the ocean, or deep within Arctic ice. Boss
and Grunden hope to produce Mars-friendly plants by
borrowing genes from these extreme-loving microbes.
And the first genes they're taking are those that will
strengthen the plants' ability to deal with stress. 

Ordinary plants already possess a way to detoxify
superoxide, but the researchers believe that a microbe
known as Pyrococcus furiosus uses one that may work
better. P. furiosus lives in a superheated vent at the
bottom of the ocean, but periodically it gets spewed
out into cold sea water. So, unlike the detoxification
pathways in plants, the ones in P. furiosus function
over an astonishing 100+ degree Celsius range in
temperature. That's a swing that could match what
plants experience in a greenhouse on Mars...

who is experimenting with herbs at altitude, having
discovered already that tomatoes don't do well

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