On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:46:19 -0700 (PDT), Gautam Mukunda wrote
> it tells us something about the
> people who are willing to exploit her grief for their cause.

How are you so certain that Cindy doesn't believe exactly what she is saying?
 Where is your evidence for manipulation?  

She was saying the same things long, long before the national media paid any
attention to her.  She's been on this crusade for many months and so
single-minded about it as to be irritating at times!  But now that it's in the
news and she's getting lots of support, you imagine that she's some poor pawn,
a victim not of the people who rushed to war, but those who oppose it?  Could
that be any more backwards?

Have you seen the rest of story about how she and Pat had strong misgivings
about meeting Bush because they disagreed so strongly with the war?  Did you
know that her son joined to be a chaplain's assistant, not a combatant?

How convenient for those with conservative views to paint Cindy as weak and
able to be manipulated, rather than as an intelligent, articulate, obsessive
crusader against this war.  


Nick Arnett
Voicemail: 408-904-7198


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