--- Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 16, 2005, at 5:10 PM, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> > Here's, it's easy, I'll write the post for you
> myself.
> > "I disagree with the war.  I think it was a bad
> idea,
> > and I think we should leave Iraq immediately. 
> But,
> > whatever the reasons were that we invaded, I don't
> > believe that the war was fought at the behest of
> Jews
> > who were loyal to Israel instead of the United
> States.
> >  I understand that this echoes one of the oldest
> > tropes of anti-semitism.  I don't believe it.  I
> don't
> > support anyone who does believe these things, and
> I
> > won't choose people who do believe these things as
> my
> > spokesperson."
> No, but how about this:
> "I disagree with the war. I think and have always
> thought
> that it was a bad idea, and we should remove our
> troops
> as soon as practical. We have damaged their
> infrastructure
> and disrupted their society too much to leave them
> in the
> state in which we've put them. We have a moral
> obligation
> to help them re-establish the kind of government
> that
> *they* would choose for themselves. Whatever the
> reasons
> were for invading, I am certain that it was not
> solely at
> the behest of Jews, Arabs, oil interests, the
> military-
> industrial complex, Jesus, avenging George's Daddy,
> or
> any other single individual, group or idea. I know
> that
> Gautam is desperate to paint me as an anti-semite,
> but I
> think that even he knows that dog don't hunt, so he
> writes some hogwash that I wouldn't say for love or
> money,
> and I sure as hell wouldn't choose him as my
> spokesperson."

"...[w]as not solely at the behest of Jews..."????  

What particular part of my statement did you disagree
with, other than the part saying that dual loyalties
had _nothing_ to do with the war?  

When I try to work for the government, are you going
to oppose it on the grounds that I can't be trusted
not to value the interests of India over those of the

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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