----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Mindless and Heartless

> On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 23:11:35 -0500, Dan Minette wrote
> >
> > No.  There are plenty of criticisms that would not be anti-Semitic.
> > But, accusing Jews of not being loyal to the country and controlling
> > the country for their own ends has a long and nasty history.  It's
> > like calling blacks lazy and shiftiness and then protesting that one
> > is not a racist.
> I'm very disappointed that anybody would take Cindy's words this way.
> very sad.  One can believe that the United States acts excessively in
> interest without being anti-Semitic.

You left out an important part: the neocon-Jewish link. I was aware of that
claim years before Cindy's statement.  I was aware of the lineage of some
of the folks who made the claims (like Pat Bucannan), and what the ideology
was.  It is quite possible that she isn't aware of the liniage....just like
my babysitter wasn't aware of the racist basis for her opinions.

I've talked with at least a few Jewish people about anti-Semetism.  Bob's
views are pretty average for a well secularized Jew (like another Jewish
athiest that I know).  He has a good reason to be aware of anti-Semetism.
He also, IMHO, has good reason to be frustrated with the denial on this

Why not entertain the possibility, to use Brin's language, that a person
who has many fine qualities and whom you like has been infected with a
dangerous meme?  One that has been so intertwined into the woof and warf of
Western Civilization, that it is difficult to extract it in a generation or

Dan M.

.Characterising it as such is spin doctoring of the worst sort.

Do only conservatives have problems with prejudice?  Is it possible for a
liberal to have such a problem?

Dan M.


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