In a message dated 8/16/2005 10:36:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> I don't see this as a statement necessarily directed against Jews, and I
> think people are reading a lot of stuff between the lines that may not
> be there. But it is an emotive subject, so that is to be expected I
> guess. I don't agree with it necessarily, but until someone can put
> forward a cogent argument as to why Iraq was invaded, it is not
> surprising that people who suffered directly try to find some reason for
> their sons dying.
For the kazilioinst time, if you want to understand why this remark is 
hurtful read some fing history. James Carrol's Sword of Constantine, Philp 
History of the Jews. 

> And does she have a point about hatred of US Mid-East policy being
> behind 9/11? Be that anti-Semitic or otherwise, is there any truth in
> it?
So you are blaming the jews for 911? Yes indeed you are. Why not go all the 
way. The Israelis did it which is why all the jews stayed home that day.

 Is there truth to the notion that many arabs hate us because we support 
Israel. Well maybe. After all they have blaming all of their problems since 
war II on the jews. They have refused to solve the problem of the palastinians 
for over 50 years. They turned down an offer that would have given them 95% 
of what they wanted in 2000. The nations of the mideast have funded palastinian 
terrorism/resistance but have not funded schools hosptials etc. We have 
supported a democratic country in a region where democracy othewise does not 

> And is she entitled to have that opinion, and to express it?

Of course she is entitled. And I am enttiled to denounce her statements as 
the worst kind of anti-semitism. 


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