In a message dated 8/17/2005 12:22:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> So let's see... You're not in favor of racially-motivated stereotyping
> when it persecutes "your people," but when it comes to me, it's
> perfectly OK to paint me with the European-descended Christian Jew-hater
> brush.
I am using dramatic licence for a purpose. I am trying to point out to you 
that subtle anti-semitism colors the views of many good poeple. It is subte 
because it is part of western culture. and has been since the early days of 
christianity. St Augustine was against killing all the jews because he wanted 
christians to be able to see the devils.  

> What the hell do you know about me? What anti-semitic statements have
> you ever heard me make? THAT's what I mean when I say "Yes, I have
> stopped beating my wife." You accuse me along with every other non-Jew
> on the planet without so much as a second's thought.
I believe that your inital responses to Gautam contained subtle 
anti-semitism. Not overt not conscious but there just the same. 

> It reminds me of the character in a Woody Allen movie: "JEW eat lunch?
> JEW eat lunch? What does that mean, JEW eat lunch?"
> Not every criticism leveled against a Jewish person, idea or country
> is anti-semitism.

Of course not but let me ask you something. Do you think that criticisms 
leveled at Jews are more or lessl likely to reflect prejudice than those 
against christians. I am just asking that you examine your responsed and to see 
how they might reflect culturral prejudices. Until we all do this we are 
doomed to fail.


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