[adult swim] on Cartoon Network is a refuge in some ways. There are some really interesting toons sent out on the Cartoon Network late at night -- great ones such as Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist and the Turner creations Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Venture Brothers.

(Inuyasha … yawn. Soap opera. Samurai Champloo: Rocks tha' hizzouse. Kurosawa goes toon.)

But there are a couple of sterling anime examples they've been retransmitting. FLCL, at just six 30-minute episodes, is arguably the strangest, but definitely the most creative. The storyline is more or less standard alien-invasion fare, but the series makes bold experiments with the toon genre, breaking into "maga style" just for kicks, for instance, and the end titles are set to "Ride on Shooting Star", an interesting and energetic example of the punk genre as interpreted by a Japanese mindset, capably rendered by The Pillows.

Paranoia Agent is weird too with its story centering around a rollerblading boy with a metal bat who begins by stunning people who are at the ends of their ropes -- and who becomes something much more sinister. The soundtrack for the series is scored by Susumu Hirasawa, and his musical explorations are fascinating. In the series soundtrack, his main title sequence ("Yume no Shima Shinen Kouen") is unmistakable, but a later experiment, "Jouken Douji", is probably the gem of the disc.

This isn't just about music, of course; it's about how the melding of music with visuals seems to have affected anime in a way totally different from how it's manifested in the States in the form of MTV and its offspring. On the whole I think the Nipponese flavor is much more intriguing. I was just wondering if anyone else here was watching … and listening … and had comments to make.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress "The Seven-Year Mirror"


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