Gautam Mukunda wrote:

Now, the interesting question for me is, why does this
essentially only happen in the United States?  The US
is the most religious industrial nation, so I have to
ask - do Christian Third World nations even teach
about evolutionary theory?  Do they have debates over
whether it is taught?  Why _just_ here?  I honestly
have no idea, and would be very curious as to anyone
else's thoughts on the subject.

Sadly, it isn't just here in the US. A few years ago this tendency reared its head in the UK. Here's one link as an example, where creationism was (is?) actually taught with evolution:

I think I also saw last year an article about how it's slowly becoming an issue in Europe.
Here's one example of that (and not even the one I was thinking of):

Try googling "creationism schools Europe" for many more.



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