At 10:45 PM Sunday 8/28/2005, Russell Chapman wrote:
Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

Has anyone ever done this to copy the contents of the old drive to a new (larger) drive? I have been working on doing so for hours: a couple of times it has reported that it copied successfully, but the computer would not boot with the new drive as drive 0. Can anyone tell me the "trick" to getting it to work: I have tried a number of different combinations of settings and none has resulted in a new drive which will boot up.

I was away for the weekend, so I didn't see this 'til now. I use Ghost every day, so I might be able to help. Did you get it sorted, or is it still an issue?

Yes, it's still an issue: I didn't have any more time to fool with it this weekend.

The problem, as simply as I can put it:

The HD which came with this machine quit working back in January. At the time I was trying to copy some stuff off the HD0 from the old machine. When I put the old HD0 into the new box as drive 1 and turned the power on, the new HD in the drive 0 slot stopped working. I can only guess that whatever had caused the old drive to fail had somehow affected the new one . . . although I did not have an unlimited supply of either hard drives or money in order to allow me to experiment to confirm that hypothesis. :P (I was just glad that the secondary HD from the old machine, which had all my teaching stuff, etc., on it, seemed to be working and in fact continues to work until this day.) The only other HD I could spare at the time was an old 4.3GB Quantum Bigfoot drive (the latter term referring to the fact that it has the same footprint as the average CD or DVD drive rather than fitting in a 3-1/2" hard drive bay), which I reformatted and installed Win XP on in order to get something up and running. So I have been running on that one as drive 0 and the old secondary as drive 1 ever since.

Earlier this month I received a couple of checks I had been waiting for, so last week I ordered and received two of Hitachi's new 500GB drives. I also picked up Norton SystemWorks 2005 Premier which includes version 9.0 of Ghost at a local CompUSA. So the other day I installed the latter and then tried to use Ghost to copy the 4.3GB drive to one of the new 500GB drives and then make it the new system drive. (To be precise, I want to partition it and use probably 400GB for the new system drive -- hopefully allowing plenty of space for all the crap which Windoze by default assumes you want installed on the C:/ drive -- and put some version (TBD) of a *nix OS on the other partition. I also picked up the latest version of Partition Magic to go with the NSW. (I did have older versions of all of those, but of course they don't work correctly with XP.) The other new drive will go into the secondary slot and the old drive with all the data on it will go into an external drive box, at least until I have transferred all the data on it someplace else.) I put the new drive in as secondary (yes, the BIOS recognizes the full 500GB, so that is not the problem) and tried to use the disk copy function of Ghost to copy the old system drive to the new drive. It reported that it had successfully copied the drive, but then after I powered down the machine, removed the old 4.3GB drive and put the new drive in its place at the end of the IDE cable, and turned the power back on, it won't boot up, although with the old system drive in place I have no trouble reading the data which was copied to the new drive. I tried several times, playing around with the settings in Ghost (largely guessing, as the "help" file is not very helpful and the dead tree manual which came in the box even less), but never got any better results than that: a reportedly successful copy to the new drive, but the new drive will not boot up when it is installed as drive 0 and the old drive is removed. That's when I started asking for help.

So, any ideas?

-- Ronn!  :)


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